Monday, March 30, 2009

We continue.

Well, things have been pretty busy lately.

A few udates on school, my Teambuilding class is going well. I do enjoy our class discussions and seeing other perspectives on things.

We also have a group report on an assigned movie. Ours was "Lord of the Flies." Man, that movie was terrible. Just plain weird and terrible. Oh well.

My Written Communication class has reminded me how much I hate English. Dangling participles, subject-verb agreement, tense agreement, etc., they can all kiss my #%$.

And why, just because some guy made these rules, do we follow them? We're just a bunch conformists.


Also, I got an A on my Powerpoint class and Leadership Development. The "A" steak continues. That might come to an end after Written Comm.

We shall see.

Also, Anna is still in the hopstial going through tests. I urge you all to continue to keep her in your prayers. I know God has a plan for her, and He is doing this for the good of all. Keep fighting, little Anna. We love you.

For those of you who'd like to keep up with updates, my sister (Becky) has set up a caring bridge site at

Thanks for your contined prayers.

See you when I see you all.


1 comment:

Craigers said...

You know, I remember reading Lord of the Flies when I was in high school. It didn't care for the book much either, but it must be held in high regards as a great literary work if they make you read it in high school right? Thanks for the Anna update. She's in my morning prayers everyday.