Sunday, October 19, 2008


I recently had the opportunity to interview for a supervisory position for a local business.

I used alot of the things I've already taken away from class in my interview and with God's blessings, they offered me the job.

Pending a successful drug screen, I'll start at my new position in the beginning of November.

When I started going back to school I hoped that this day would come, but I did not expect it so quickly.

While I'm excited to begin my new "career," it is bittersweet as I have to say good-bye to the many friends I've gained in my time at Expedition Log Homes.

I hope to remain in contact with them and maybe catch an occasional bike ride or two.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Craigers said...

You know I got nothing but love for you Jonny, but this is too much. I'll be throwing you a good beat down sometime before you leave. Just kidding, I wish you nothing but the best. And if you don't stay in touch and go riding with me...well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

P.S. I stuck poppy seeds in your breakfast last friday.